Sleep is one of the most vital things for us as humans. Not enough of it can do serious damage to your body; it can impair your memory and affect your quality of life. It can even increase your likelihood of getting in a car accident (source: NHS).
If you want to feel better in your everyday life, then this should be one of the areas you tackle first and foremost.
To help this, here are 9 tips to help you get more and better sleep.
Put away (most of) those screens before bed
A lot of people don’t realise is that the majority of the screens you use – such as your phone and your computer – actually emits a large amount of blue light. This blue light tricks your brain into thinking that it is daytime and reduces your melatonin levels, which is what helps you relax and sleep.
If you have to use a device before you sleep, consider the following:
- Invest in a pair of glasses that blocks blue light
- Download and use apps (like f.lux and Twilight) that blocks this light from your screen
- If you use a Kindle (like I do), turn the backlight to the lowest and invert the colour to white text on black background
Cut out caffeine hours before you sleep
If you’ve seen or read Dune, then you’ll know that “fear is the mind-killer”. Well, caffeine is the sleep-killer!
If you’re struggling to sleep at night, then consider cutting down the amount you drink a day. Additionally, try to not consume any caffeine after a certain point.
In my own life, I don’t drink anything caffeinated after 4 PM.
Stick to regular bedtimes
Your body’s circadian rhythm functions on a loop, going from daytime to nighttime. It’s important to keep to regular bedtimes – both going to sleep and waking up – to help you keep to this.
For example, most days I’m in bed by 11 PM and asleep by 11:30 PM. And then most days, I’m awake at 7:00 AM.
Turn off all lights before you sleep
I personally find it best for me to start falling asleep with no lights on. When I am ready to pass out, I turn off all lights, close my eyes, and let myself lie in the dark.
Practice deep breathing in bed
Deep breathing is possibly my favourite activity to help me relax. I’ve previously covered how breathing deeply can help calm your mind. If you find your mind going crazy before you sleep, try practicing deep breathing!
Avoid naps late in the afternoon & keep them short
I love a good nap, but it’s important to not take any too late in the afternoon. Set yourself a cut-off point for these – say, no later than 4 PM. They should also be kept short – if I nap, I always set a timer for, at most, 30 minutes.
Exercise regularly, but not before you sleep
Exercise, in general, is another area that is vital for us as humans. You should try to be exercising regularly, but avoid doing any for about 2 – 3 hours before you get into bed.
Visualise and use your imagination
This is something I do often when I can’t sleep. Once I shut my eyes, I listen for whatever noise might be around me. Let’s say that I hear a car somewhere – I imagine what they’re doing and where they’re going. This might just be for me, but I’ve always found that it moves to my dreams.
Rule out any underlying medical conditions
If you do discover that you’re unable to sleep, no matter what you do, then it’s important to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Visit your doctor or a specialist to make sure nothing else is happening.
And there you go – 9 tips to get more and better sleep. Happy dreaming!