Do you ever struggle with relaxing? I know I do! Well, just how do you let yourself turn off? Here are some of the best ways to relax!
Find your chill-out music

In 5 Simple & Effective Ways To Smile More From Today, I talked about how a great way to smile is to find your happy song. Well, the same works for relaxation! Pop on some music as background noise and let the good (and relaxing) times roll.
Not sure where to start? Once more, the fantastic people over at Spotify have created playlists just for this. Why not start here?
Don’t like this one? Check out the huge variety of moods they cater for!
Take slow calming breaths

This just might be one of the simplest ways to relax. This has been covered in How To Breathe Properly To Clear Your Mind (Bitesize). It only takess 3 – 5 minutes to do, but deep breathing has such fantastically huge benefits!
Read a book

Every night before I sleep, I make sure to read for at least half an hour. It’s, by far, one of my favourite ways to relax – especially if I’m seriously into the book. Are you someone that struggles with their attention span? You could read using the Pomodoro Technique, but customising it to whatever time segments you want to give yourself.
Reduce clutter

Do you ever look around and realise how much you own? Personally, I can find this quite anxiety-inducing. If you are the same as me, then make time reducing this. Go through the items you own (being quite methodical with it) and see if there’s anything you can donate. Please give away as much as you can – only dumping what can’t be donated or recycled!
Go for a walk

I cannot recommend this enough. Get some comfortable walking shoes, find somewhere quiet and safe, and just go out for a walk. What I personally find best is to have no particular destination, just let myself wander. If you can, find somewhere that has nice scenery and just lose yourself in it (but, if possible, don’t get lost yourself!)